Sunday, August 25, 2013

Secrets of Aliens & Human Evolution

Do you believe in the fact that Earth is the only living planet in this universe, or do you think that there are many other planets like Earth which have life? Have you ever thought that why earth is the only living planet in this universe, do you think answers to these questions are just the right incidences and environment that we have on earth?

I personally don’t believe in these theories, today I will reveille some of the interesting facts about human evolution, these are very interesting facts and also give you a different vision towards human evolution.
We all believe in our historical texts, ancient archaeology and famous history legends. Some of the legends became God for us and we all believe that these gods have many super natural powers. Our ancient archaeology also demonstrates the power of these Gods and some creatures which are neither human nor animal. Some of the spiritual books written in past have also explained about the super disastrous weapons and Armour these people had in past.

After reading all these spiritual books and ancient archaeology one thing that comes out clearly is that these people had a better technology and weapons than us, so does it mean that we have came far behind our ancestors, or does it mean that those were not our ancestors but aliens from different world who lived on earth for some time.
I know believing on these facts are not that easy; however we also cannot deny the fact that ancient people had a better and advanced technology than us, and if they were our forefathers than why they haven’t transferred the secrets of those technologies to us.

I personally believe that those were not the humans, those were Aliens. They came on this earth for some time, lived here and then moved from here. They came with their entire colony, along with their animals, weapons and other equipments. I also believe that they understood that humans on this planet are just evolving and reaching them to their level will take ages.
The early humans have seen these ancient aliens on earth and that is the reason they have demonstrated them in their texts, pictures and other ancient arts.

I also believe in the fact that humans have evolved in a better way due to these aliens, ancient aliens have worked harder on human evolution. They have done lot of experiment on humans and today because of their efforts we are evolving day by day. Till date we all have believed that humans have evolved from Apes, I also believe in this fact; however have you ever thought that evolving from an Ape to present human cannot be just a matter of adoption to the changing environment. There are some experiments and changes done on these animals to make them today’s human. I personally believe that these changes have been performed by ancient aliens.

The reason aliens choose Apes for their experiments because they looked similar to them, and that’s how human evolution occurred. Aliens were expert in doing such experiments; we have seen many ancient archaeological arts which have demonstrated animals which have both human & animal characters. Humans of ancient era have written and sketched what they have seen.

There are many surprising ancient archaeological structures present on earth today, these structures have not been possible without a help from supernatural powers. One of them is Pyramids, the structure & the sizes of stones kept on these monuments clearly indicate that the Human technology we had during those ear would never able to create such a huge structure in such a bulk amount.

Have you ever thought of the fact that how can a plant have Dianasour like big creature and then disappear suddenly. Is there a supernatural power which created them and then ruined them for human existence?
These facts and figures clearly indicate that we are not alone in this universe; we have some other creatures living with us. We call them aliens and still can feel their presence via appearances of UFO.

This is not the end of this post, there are more facts and figures yet to come...PART-2 Coming Soon

Friday, February 8, 2013

Human Vision an Unexceptional Gift

What is human vision and does it have any limitation. Human vision is a sequence of events happening around, but in exceptional scenarios many individuals have experienced some unexceptional events which has never occurred in their life, they have visualized these events before they have occurred.

We all know that these visions are exceptional and some time called as 6th scenes, however these qualities are very common in most of the animals especially in birds. As we all know biologically humans are also a kind of animal and I strongly believe that these exceptional visions are there in human eyes, however due to changing life style of human beings these exceptional features have lost their presence.

There are multiple types of vision and there is a very small thin line between all of them, in the first type a person visualizes an event before it actually happens like an accident. Most of us know that our body has a combo of both an exceptional brain which can work far better than any computer in the world and a visionary eye. In most of the scenarios both work hand in hand and always guides an individual before taking any decision.

Now consider an example, a person crossing Road and somehow his judgment went wrong for a speedy car approaching him, at the same time another man is watching him crossing the road but his mind and vision calculations are accurate to judge the speed of car. In this scenario the man watching another person crossing the road has versioned the future act just seconds before it happens.  And he knows that something accidental is going to happen, you can call this as 6th sense or a perfect mind calculation.

Second vision comes with logic and again a form of calculation which comes with experience & age. An elder person in your family might be predicting the correct consequences of a family issue which they have understood with their experiences.

So one thing which I have realized is vision comes with logical calculations and experiences. The more you train your mind the more predictive and accurate you become.

In third type of vision a person predicts events like natural calamities, something about to happen after some decades or centuries or about some inventions which is not possible in today’s world. Now these people also work on calculations they spend their most time working on these calculations, they have a very wide approach of calculating these events and they take each and every possibility which can even make a slightest change in the human tendency in coming years.

They go with growing trends, their calculations on natural calamities is base on the extra burden we are putting on earth each day which somewhere down the line bursts the tolerance of nature and something bad can happen.

I think people who predicts future happenings take the things in a logical way, they work on the each consequence breaks the logic behind it and proceed further, everyone have this logical approach but only few people can focus and break the secret out of it. 

The more you think & explore the more you get on to the next level.

In today’s world there are 4 type of humans, one is orthodox who only believe in their rituals, second is optimistic but don’t have time to explore more on future technologies, they only know how to use the current technology and have time to wait for the next level. Third is focused and these are the people who make our life different.

There are only 0.4% of total world’s population which are focused and always working on new ideas and technology. This percentage might look very less but I have my own reasons for this and believe me this is the only percentage that are focused completely towards future vision and are constantly working on future technologies.

Science has no limitation and it has proven in the past that things have made possible which are beyond normal human imaginations. Discoveries and inventions have made today’s technology so powerful that we are almost protected from all natural calamities.

There is a threat on earth's existence, many people says that the earth will destroy in the same way it happened 65 million years ago when earth was hit by a large asteroid crash, however these prediction may be right but nothing is impossible when human eyes starts visualizing in positive direction.

Can you imagine a day when we have control over the earth and we can drive our earth in space like we drive our vehicles on road? I know it sounds funny but again as I said everything is possible until it is not visioned properly.

I end this article with a positive note that we all have the ability of unexceptional vision and somewhere down the line humans will surely breaks the code out of it and become the most powerful creature on earth.