Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Technology and Our Lives - Are We Being Too Dependent on It?

Advanced technology and Internet is very popular now a day and people are becoming more and more dependent on electronic gadgets and online world.

There was a time when people hardly have mobile phones, and the time I am referring to was hardly 10 to 15 year old. However now time has changed, with a revolution in IT industries things have changed completely. There are so many electronics gadgets and online services that allows people to stay connected with each other on a 24-hour basis

Technology has made us more virtual than real, now instead of making friends in actual world people are finding ease in making friends online.

So are we moving in right direction, are we becoming more technoholic? What will be the effect of this virtual world on actual world? These are few very important questions, and answers to these will decide the way human will exist in future world.

Everyone knows that world is leading towards its horrifying end and one day this earth will not even exist. So what will happen to humans and how they will tackle those circumstances for their existence? Today’s Technology is just a beginning of human approach towards finding solutions for those situations. This is my belief that future technology will certainly help people to fight from those situations.

Humans are the only creature on earth having exceptional brain and power to think in right directions. Human being does not have any special physical character like other animals to fight for their survival. Human being had always fought for their existence; in early era of human evolution they had a fight with nature and wild animals and they succeeded by discovering fire and constructing houses.

Now things have changed completely however we are still fighting for our survival, today’s technology is just the beginning of preparation towards future challenges that we have to face. Before our world will come to an end our generations will have to face many challenges in each decade, the intensity of these challenges will increase as the earth approach more towards its end. But as I said humans have exceptional brain and with the help of their skill they will survive in each era of this world.

Information technology and advanced engineering will help future scientists to develop such environment which can help humans to survive in toughest climatic conditions and circumstances. Our next challenge would be Global warming, harmful radiations and pollution. These are few major climatic changes we will be facing in coming decades.

Today’s internet technology will become more advanced and will certainly help people to have advanced interaction and communication with their friends and families without facing the harmful conditions outside their premises. 3D virtual world will arise where people can socialize, connect and create using free voice, video and text interaction. Concept of Virtual Organization will come up and most of the companies will exists online, employees will start working from their home. The future community will inevitably be a Virtual community.

At the same time advanced engineering will help us to construct such environment where in people can stay away from contaminated air around our earth. This situation will continue and become more and more intense as we move forward toward future.

One day humans will have to leave this earth and move towards other planet for their survival, and till that time we will be having advanced space craft’s and other means of technology which will help humans to survive in those toughest circumstances.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011