Monday, July 18, 2016

Religion & Its Truth

Please note the article written is my individual opinion and does not reflect any specific community or religion.

Now lets forget everything and go back to the age when humans were evolved/born on earth. Humans originally belong to earth; it could be a separate debate, however when humans evolved on Earth their population must be very low. We all were scattered in small groups. Each group had a particular way of living life, it depends on the surrounding & nature they were living in. There was no God concept & communication was also limited to gestures & signs only.

Now as per my belief, Humans have evolved very fast compare to the other creatures on Earth. I have already explained about human evolution in Secrets of Aliens & Human Evolution article written previously. Human evolution is nothing but a scientific modification done by Aliens.

In the early stage of human life, we were living like animals. Our behavior was also depending on the creature & nature we were living in. There was no existence of any religion & scriptures; language was also not into existence. Today can you imaging thinking of something in your mind without using any language. Language has played an important role in human evolution and we have learned this art of communication from Aliens, who later became our God. They made our life easy and they gave us the power of effective communication.

Some of the Groups called them Gods & some of the groups called them messenger of Gods. These messengers/Gods keep on visiting Earth and guided humans toward the better way of living life. Now the important thing is how these religions came in to existence, simple example could be Hindu Dharam, Hindu is not a religion but its a way of life and resembles to the people living near Indus valley. Hindu word evolves from Indus/Sindhu and does not have any resemblance to any religion. People living in these areas have a different way of living life, which later became Sanatana Dharam.

Muslims are originally from Mecca, in western Arabia, and they had their own way of living life, which later evolved into Islam Religion. Similarly In the initial decades of Roman Empire, at the eastern end of the Mediterranean, a new religion, Christianity, emerged. Now all these religions evolved due to the way each group was living in their nature & that’s the reason they all had different eating habits, talking habits, preaching habits & living habits. So naturally as each region has their own climatic diversity so each God/messenger/Alien helped them with different way of living life and gave them different languages; however each God gave them the path of humanity and the crux of all religion is peace and humanity.

Now as we are clear with the religion concept, lets discuss why people of different religion have different opinion about each other and why there is a conflict in practicing religions. As per my belief no religion gives you the path of violence in any circumstances. There could be only one reason for violence if his existence or life is in danger. You have to fight with your evils in order to survive & hunger could be one of the reason which could lead to any individual to kill other animals and Eat them.

As all these human groups had different natural surrounding, they learn to survive differently, people living near Indus valley must be Vegetarian & people living in Arabic countries must be non-vegetarian. Now when people from Arabic countries migrated to other parts of Earth for better life they must had conflict with the locals living there from Ages. This conflict could be majorly due to the way both the groups must be living. Their eating habits, their behavior towards nature, plants & Animals.  This conflict is still on, and till today all the people of different religion are fighting with each other not because they pray to different Gods, they are fighting because they are living differently and they don’t accept people who does not follow the rules of living they have set. 

The idea of wiring this blog is to inform everyone about the misconception of religion we all have in our minds. Its not the religion who seperates us and no God permits their believers to kill someone only because he is not following their path of Peace. The voilance is because of humans and their desire to impose their beliefs on others and people who does not obey their beliefs or natrue of living & preaching turns their evil and they try to finish them. Its few human race who started spreading voilance in the name of religion & god and try to bluf their believers. 

Its time to wake up and understand the meaning of religion & stop hating each other only becuase we live differently. We must respect each other feelings and respect each others life style.


  1. Hmm interesting. But I think most of the non Hindu people in India were originally Hindu and would have converted to other religions. So the way of leaving is pretty much the same.
    There's more difference in way of living of a north Indian and south Indian than a Hindu and Muslim from same region. Yet there's more hatred between people of different religions.

  2. Nice attempt Yogi but it can be more refined.From blog perspective lots of refinement can be done. This is my individual opinion as a reader. Nice subject. Blog shows your inside creative individual. Good going my friend. Best wishes for your future writings.

  3. Yes there could be possibility that few of the Hindus might have converted to other religions due to violence or influence. however if you will compare the religious belief of north & south Indians their Gods are almost similar and thus chances of conflicts are also less. They do have different living style as per their nature and surroundings; however as we both have similar Gods thus the living behaviors taught to both of us are also similar. However this is not the case with people who have migrated from Arab regions. Their living and eating habits were more violent than people living near Indus valley. God taught them differently, how to survive in their region. Thus we have more conflict between people migrating from these regions who have survived their generations by killing animals and being violent to their surroundings.
